MHT Induction Lighting

MHT Lighting manufactures the highest quality, energy saving Induction, LED and power management systems for commercial industrial, and government applications.

Induction Lighting

MHT Lighting has taken Induction Lighting to the next level by incorporating quality manufacturing, value-added innovations, fixture design and Smart Controls to enhance the capabilities of Induction Lighting to make it the best solution for your investment in energy efficient technology.

Led Lighting

MHT Lighting has developed innovative LED products including products incorporating patent pending technologies. Our LED products are easy to install with faster ROI’s than are common in the market place.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

LED aquarium lights

LED aquarium lights
LED aquarium lights are developed to meet the necessities of corals such as SPS, LPS grown in marine reef tanks.

Monday, 30 December 2013

LED light Vs HPS Light

LED light Vs HPS Light
  • LED Lights requires less electricity to that of HPS [High pressure sodium] lights
  • HPS lights produce more heat than LED lights

Saturday, 28 December 2013

LED grow lights

LED grow lights
Most of the unwanted yellow light is eliminated by LED grow lights as they have lower wattage draw and heat output. Thus, they give the plants the ideal spectrum for growth and flowering.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Energy Consumption for Lighting

Energy Consumption
The Department of Energy has forecasted that LED lighting will possibly reduce 29% of overall energy consumption for lighting in the U.S by the fall of 2025.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Did you know about Induction lighting?

Induction lighting
  • Induction Lighting has been utilized widely in Asia, Australia, and Europe
  • It lasts longer with no electrodes in it
  • Life span is greater than fluorescent lights

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

LED Edge Lit Panels

LED Edge Lit Panels
LED Edge Lit Panels is exclusively designed for drop ceilings

It replaces fluorescent fixtures in –
  • Commercial buildings
  • Schools
  • Hospitality and more…

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

How safe is LED?

How safe is LED?
  • No qualms about breakable glass or filaments
  • Highly resistant to shock and vibration
  • Reduces recycling cost

Monday, 23 December 2013

Eco-friendly LED’s

Eco-friendly LED
  • LED Lighting is non-toxic. It contains no mercury, lead, or cadmium
  • LED is recyclable
  • Produces no light pollution and complies with DARK SKY initiatives

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Induction Lighting Perks

Induction Lighting Perks
Induction lighting perks –
  • Street Lighting
  • Warehouses
  • Hospitals and Schools
  • Tennis Courts
  • Exhibition Halls and even more...

Monday, 16 December 2013

LED finds wide application

LED Lighting

LED finds wide application in -

Office Buildings
Retails and more….

led power consumption

led power consumption
  • According to the U.S. Department of Energy, LED's use 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs
  • LED’s release very less heat

Parking Garage Lights: Light up your Future

Had you ever thought that parking garage lights and revolution can come together in a single sentence? Think again!

Advanced technology of LED lighting and Induction lighting is spelling revolution for gas station lights and parking garages lights. No, not just the very decorative LED flat panels on the ceiling or efficient LED tubes on the station and not even the flashy spot lights to direct the way. It is much bigger and advanced.

Shine on Demand

LED and induction lights are already known to be energy efficient and bill reducing, but these lighting systems are now revolutionized with several sensors to perform smartly. They can switch on and off as on demand and thus can save further on electricity bills. It can automatically switch on when the natural light fades away and can wait in a dimmer mode when no action or occupant is sensed.

Advantages of Smart Lighting

Such innovative and power saving lighting systems deserve to be called intelligent or smart as it not only improves the night time visibility but also caters to different lighting requirements at various levels. Such innovative lighting systems can have endless advantages and best out of such are listed here:
  • Hassle free operation with automatic on and off switching by sensing the light
  • Has long life span to serve for as long as 100,000 hours or 25 years if used for 10 hours per day
  • Very less maintenance
  • Low cost of operation
  • Change in the intensity of the light can alert pedestrians and other crew
  • Consumes 80% less energy as compared to other metal halide fixtures
  • Can also be effectively used in house garage to operate automatically as and when required
Thus, LED lighting and induction lighting are revolutionizing the modern lifestyle to be dynamic and to be energy conserving.

Induction lighting Vs. LED lighting

Energy management system and energy efficient lighting solution is at a ramp up stage with new innovations hitting the market at a revolutionary speed. You might have seen or heard about induction lighting and would have certainly seen LED flat panels and LED tubes in gas station lights or parking garage lights. The perplexity may arise when you have to decide between LED and induction light.

Understanding the disparity

For big industrialists, easy maintenance and cost effectiveness may be the parameters to be considered while selecting the lighting, but for common populace life span and bright light may be much significant factors along with the price.

Life: Both induction and LED lights have almost similar life span of 80,000 to 100,000 hours depending upon the type and model of the product but LED lights are still costlier than induction lights.

Conversion Efficacy: LED lights have energy efficacy of 35-55 lumen/watt. Some expensive models may also have 70-75 lumen/watt efficacies whereas induction lights have conversion efficacy ranging between 65-82 lumen/watt. To put it simple, for a 200 watt fixture LED may produce only 11,00 lumen as compared to 16,000 lumen of induction light which means 31% more light.

Cost: To make an LED light fixture for 200 W, an array of LED is used and that may cost 50 to 70% more than the induction lamp that use similar technology as of fluorescent lights to reduce the cost. However, mass production of LED may erase the cost gap in future.

Purposefulness: Light emitting diodes or LEDs are not considered as general purpose lighting because it has poor color rendering index and limited lighting. On the other hand, induction lights are available with same life span, higher wattage and brighter light. Induction lights are surely the next revolutionary and efficient lighting solution.

3 Common Myths of LED Lighting

Most changes come along with resistance and lighting is no exception! Though LED lighting has made its mark in office lights, gas station lights, parking garage lights and industry lighting, common populace may still have some resistance to switch from CFLs or candescent bulbs to new and innovative LED tubes or LED flat panels. Following are the 3 most common myths people generally have resisting them to adapt LED lights:

1. Less brighter as compared to candescent bulb

This myth may arise out of misinformation or just a bad experience and it is not at all true. Back in the time with candescent bulbs, the brightness of the light was associated with the wattage, more wattage means brighter light, but this is not the case with LED lights. LEDs consume less wattage for more output. A 29W LED light may produce 2600 lumens unit of light) that would give brightness as much as 150 Watt candescent bulbs.

2. LED produces bluish white light

Another myth associated with LED lights is that they have white light with tones of blue which is not true with every LED lamp. LED lights are available in wide variety of color temperature to determine their colors. You can choose among 3500K-6500K color temperature for bluish light or between 2700-3000K color temperatures for familiar white light.

3. LED lights are costly

Apparently, this is true that initial cost of LED light is high but another truth is that the cost of any kind of lighting shall not just be determined by the initial purchase cost. It should rather include initial cost + maintenance cost + replacement cost. LED lights are zero maintenance and have 20 times more life (100,000 hours or 25 years if used for 10 hours/day) than other traditional lighting options. Moreover, LED lights come with longer period of warranty, so you decide!

Discovery of led lights

discovery of led lights
  •  LED was 1st discovered in 1961 by Bob Biard and Gary Pittman
  • The LEDs were first used with IBM computers to replace tungsten bulbs

uses of led lights in home

uses of led lights in home
  • LED is tougher than a bulb with filament
  • It is resistant to vibration and sudden impacts
  • LED uses semiconductors and electroluminescence to create light

Key benefits of LED’s

Key benefits of LED’s
  • Typical LED requires only 30-60 milliwatts to operate
  • Durable and shockproof unlike glass bulb lamp
  • Reduces stray light pollution on streetlights

Friday, 6 December 2013

3 Common Myths of LED Lighting

Most changes come along with resistance and lighting is no exception! Though LED lighting has made its mark in office lights, gas station lights, parking garage lights and industry lighting, common populace may still have some resistance to switch from CFLs or candescent bulbs to new and innovative LED tubes or LED flat panels. Following are the 3 most common myths people generally have resisting them to adapt LED lights:

1. Less brighter as compared to candescent bulb
This myth may arise out of misinformation or just a bad experience and it is not at all true. Back in the time with candescent bulbs, the brightness of the light was associated with the wattage, more wattage means brighter light, but this is not the case with LED lights. LEDs consume less wattage for more output. A 29W LED light may produce 2600 lumens unit of light) that would give brightness as much as 150 Watt candescent bulbs.

2. LED produces bluish white light
Another myth associated with LED lights is that they have white light with tones of blue which is not true with every LED lamp. LED lights are available in wide variety of color temperature to determine their colors. You can choose among 3500K-6500K color temperature for bluish light or between 2700-3000K color temperatures for familiar white light.

3. LED lights are costly
Apparently, this is true that initial cost of LED light is high but another truth is that the cost of any kind of lighting shall not just be determined by the initial purchase cost. It should rather include initial cost + maintenance cost + replacement cost. LED lights are zero maintenance and have 20 times more life (100,000 hours or 25 years if used for 10 hours/day) than other traditional lighting options. Moreover, LED lights come with longer period of warranty, so you decide!

Energy Management with SP1000

SP1000 is the most advanced and efficient energy management system, which is used for big industries to manage the energy consumptions and wastage. The energy costs are sky rocketing all around the world; SP1000 brings the best of technology to allow you having a peaceful breath.

SP1000 has endless opportunity with hybrid system that can take plenty of decisions and can also suggest ways to save energy with enhanced load carrying capabilities. Not only this but this equipment also has software to show up the saving actions as it maintains the power level through all your facility.

Demand Charge Saving With SP1000

While most people struggle to manage their kilowatt consumption of power, it is not in their slightest realization that a major part of their bill is “demand” cost (almost 35%). Demand power is the peak Kilowatts that you consume or is required in the peak hours of a day. SP1000 can greatly reduce this demand cost by 68% through proper power management and no wastage. Thus, you can largely reduce your monthly bills.

Other benefits of SP100

Apart from saving large on demand cost, SP1000 can also benefit in following ways:
•    Enhanced capability of carrying load within the existing circuits
•    Enhanced voltage throughout
•    Reduction in carbon footprint
•    Improved balance
•    Reduced harmonic
•    Reduced negative energy
•    Reduced KWH
•    Reduced back current in neutral lines
•    Helps in identification of maintenance issues
•    Access the data remotely
•    Real time system parameters
•    Can store data for up to 2 years

Applications of SP1000

SP1000 system can be used in locations of power consumption units such as:
•    Factories
•    Hospitals
•    Airports
•    Industries
•    Hotels
•    High rise offices
•    Elevators
•    Compressors
•    HVAC
•    Super markets
•    Water pumps

With SP1000, you can stay proactive in your approach to identify and rectify any maintenance issues rather than being just reactive.

Development of LED Lights
  • 1961 - Development of Infrared LED
  • 1962 - Development of 1st visible red LED
  • 1972 - Development of first yellow LED
  • 1979 - Development of world's first blue LED
  • 1976 - Development of high brightness LED

LED Inventors

LED Inventors
  • Oleg V. Losev - studied light emitting diodes phenomena
  • Bob Biard - developed the Infrared LED
  • Nick Holonyack Jr.- developed the 1st visible red LED
  • M. George Craford - created the first yellow LED
  • Shuji Nakamura - developed the world's first blue LED

LED facts

LED facts
LED facts
  • LED using color-mixing principle emits a wide range of colors
  • Phosphors is used to filter the light output of LED

Did you know?

LED Lighting
LED Lighting

Red and Infrared LED's are made with gallium arsenide
Bright Blue is made with GaN -gallium nitride
White LED's are made with yttrium aluminum garnet

Violet, purple, ultraviolet, green, blue, LED's are also available

LED statistics

LED statistics
LED statistics
  • Lumens per watt: 28 - 150 (as per environment)
  • Lamp life: 25,000 - 100,000 hours
  • Color Temperature (White LEDs): 2540 - 10,000K

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Monday, 2 December 2013

LED Light Vs Incandescent Auto Bulb

LED Light Vs Incandescent Auto Bulb

  • LED's Are More Energy Efficient
  • Automotive lamps in LED Improve Driving Safety
  • LED's Last Longer